
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

TAMARA EMILIAN - Physical Therapist
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

LUCIA LASCO - Physical Therapist
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

MARIANA BOTNARI - Executive Director
"În timpul funcÈ›ionării Phoenix Centre, am învățat din succesele È™i eÈ™ecurile noastre, când am aplicat aceste cunoÈ™tinÈ›e, lucruri minunate au început să se întâmple. Și continuă să se întâmple în fiecare zi!"

MARIA ZUBENCO - Housekeeper
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

LUCIAN TILIPET - Administrator birou
"Pentru mine Centrul Phoenix reprezintă o provocare, un simbol și o oportunitate de
a mă dedica spre beneficiul comunității."

MARTA CARABULEA - Psychologist
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

OLEG SCUTARU - Site Supervisor
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

TATYANA CIRLIG - Chair Phoenix
"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in

"This is a quote from worker about how she/he feels about working at Phoenix."
This is a few lines about what the person does in their role or roles at Phoenix. This is a few lines about what the person does in